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Chunky olive & tomato dip

(serves 4)


  • ½ cup canned chopped tomatoes

  • 2 fresh garlic cloves

  • ½ cup plain humus

  • Black pepper

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1 tsp cider vinegar

  • ½ tsp chilli powder

  • 1/3 cup pimento stuffed olives

  • ¼ cup almond milk (optional if you want a runnier sauce)


  1. Peel and crush the garlic and set aside, add the tomatoes to a small saucepan on low heat and add the crushed garlic and black pepper, cook of about 5 minutes, without letting it burn, it needs mixing quite often

  2. Chop the olive into small pieces and add to a medium sized mixing bowl

  3. One the tomatoes have finished cooking, add all the other ingredients (except the milk) to the bowl and mix well

  4. Serve as a delicious snack with toasted brown seeded bread or with salad, as you can add the optional almond milk, if you would like a runnier sauce

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